In this page you can find technical information related to the M-1911 Pistol. These data are selected from a wide range of sources, like catalogs, magazines etc. I cannot guarantee their accuracy, so I am not responsible for any problems that you might have with them, even if they come from some of the market experts. I am simply putting them here as information for visitors to consider. New items go at the top of this list, and are clearly marked. All links will open in a new window, close the new window to return here.
To download the blueprints, right-click on the link and choose "Save Target" or "Save Link Target". Make sure the file type is WMF and then save the file on your disk. Open it with an appropriate viewer, such as ACDSee. If for some reason you cannot get one of the files mentioned below (especially the blueprints), please and I'll send you the file.
Finally, all articles will open in a new browser window. Close it to return here. To return to the M1911.ORG Forums site, close this window too.
The most instructional tool for understanding the 1911 (courtesy of STI International Inc.)
How to disassemble and reassemble your M1911 (courtesy of Sterling Roth and Tom)
- Original 1911 blueprints

- Tom Wilson jig instructions (courtesy of Dennis Fleck (LCHDR in our Forums Site))

- How the Para Ordnance LDA works
- Selecting a 1911 (courtesy of SargeMO)
- The Colt ACE Pistols and Conversion Kits History (courtesy of Rick Breneman and The Sight)
- Checkering your front strap (courtesy of deezulsmoke)
- How to build a 1911, Part 1(courtesy of Brownells Inc.)
- How to build a 1911. Part 2(courtesy of Brownells Inc.)
- How to build a 1911. Part 3(courtesy of Brownells Inc.)
- How to build a 1911. Part 4(courtesy of Brownells Inc.)
- How to build a 1911. Part 5(courtesy of Brownells Inc.)
- How to build a 1911. Part 6(courtesy of Brownells Inc.)
- Diagnostic Target
- M1911 frame blueprint (courtesy of CNC Gunsmithing)
- M1911 Full blueprints (courtesy of CNC Gunsmithing)
- Function of the disconnector (courtesy of 1911Tuner)
- How to remove the magazine catch from a 1911
- Complete tear-down and reassembly of Para Ordnance LDA (courtesy of Linkless John)
- The role of springs in an auto pistol (courtesy of 1911Tuner)
- Buying a used 1911 (courtesy of D. Camm)
- How to function-check an M-1911 (courtesy of D. Camm)
- Care & Maintenance (courtesy of 1911Tuner)
- The barrel link (courtesy of 1911Tuner)
- 3-Point Jam (courtesy of 1911Tuner)
- Poor Man's Trigger Job (courtesy of 1911tuner)
- Will a 1911 fire if dropped on its muzzle (courtesy of
- Gun springs FAQ (courtesy of ISMI)
- Reassemble the trigger parts
- Inserting the slide stop, without scratching the pistol
- Safety Checking a 1911 (courtesy of Cylinder & Slide)
- Cleaning your handgun (courtesy of Cylinder & Slide)
- Understanding and Controlling the Recoil Effect (courtesy of Dick Trenk)
- US Army Technical Manual for the M-1911A1 pistol (Part 1, .pdf format)
- US Army Technical Manual for the M-1911A1 pistol (Part 2, .pdf format)
- How to make wooden grips for your 1911 - (courtesy of 1911PistolGrips.COM)
- Special Sear Parts in Gold Cups
- KPS Frame blueprint (courtesy of Franz-Josef Peters, .wmf file)
- KPS Slide blueprint (courtesy of Franz-Josef Peters, .wmf file)
- KPS Barrel Polygonal Profile blueprint (courtesy of Franz-Josef Peters, .wmf file)
- KPS Barrel blueprint (courtesy of Franz-Josef Peters, .wmf file)
- Franz-Josef Peters Patent for a Multi-Caliber Pistol (1992, .pdf file)
- Franz-Josef Peters Patent for a .22LR conversion kit (1987, .pdf file)
- Franz-Josef Peters Patent for an interchangeable barrel pistol (1990, .pdf file)
- A drum magazine for an 1911?
- A visitor's opinion on Firestorm compatibility
- A visitor's opinion on Llama compatibilty
- What to look for, in a used M-1911 (The M1911 Pistols Inspection Check List)
- Swartz firing pin safety mechanism (used in Kimber's pistols)
- Who makes an M-1911 for lefties?
- Is cocked and locked dangerous? - (courtesy of "The Sight 1911A1")
- M-1911 FM 23-35 Basic Field Manual - (courtesy of "The Sight 1911A1")
- The M-1911 Pistols FAQ (courtesy of Tony "TRB" Phillips)
- Adjusting your sights (courtesy of Prof. Cunningham)
- Recoil Spring Selection Tips (by Bill Wilson)
- Extractor Tuning and Installation Tips (by Bill Wilson)
- Llama's compatibility to the M-1911 (by Ross Robinson)
- Thoughts on modifying an M-1911 (by Alan Tillman)
- Test the timing of your M-1911 (courtesy of Schuemann Barrels)
- When not to trust a timing check (courtesy of Schuemann Barrels)
- Steel selection for pistol barrels (courtesy of Schuemann Barrels)
- Why the M-1911 Pistol does not work (by Duane Thomas)
- U.S.Army Marksmanship Training Unit - Rebuild the .45 M1911A1 Pistol
- Tools Necessary for Colt .45 Accurization and Maintenance
- M-1911 Theory of Operation (by Combat Arms)
- So you want to tune up the M-1911 (by Combat Arms)
- Troubleshooting your M-1911 (by Bill Wilson)
- Loudness table (or which is making the most noise)
- Round hammers and grip safeties
- Things I do not like on a Custom Gun
- All about the 9x23 (courtesy of R.D. Burns)
- The Ballester-Molina's and M1927 (courtesy of Skip Burns and Charles Buckner)
- The M-1911 Maintenance Manual
- The Gun Springs FAQ (courtesy of Wolff Gunsprings)
- Buying second-hand (by Jack Fuselier, gunsmith)
- Coonan/M-1911 interchangeability of parts
- The M-1911 "Conditions" (courtesy of "The Sight 1911A1")
- The myths around the M-1911 (courtesy of "The Sight 1911A1")
- Fiting a barrel in the M-1911 (by Jack Fuselier, gunsmith)
- Headspacing in the M-1911 (by Jack Fuselier, gunsmith)
- Syd's 1911A1 Notebook (electronic booklet, PDF format, courtesy of "The Sight 1911A1")
- How M-1911s really work (courtesy of American Rifleman, by Jerry Kuhnhausen)
- How trigger parts interact?